How to Update LinkedIn Profile Without Notifying Contacts?

LinkedIn is an emerging professional platform for everyone, including students, job seekers, and employers. It acts as an online resume for you. Therefore, it is compulsory to keep your LinkedIn profile updated. For this, LinkedIn makeover service at Resumewritingworld is ready for your assistance.

This Image is About How to Update LinkedIn Profile Without Notifying Contacts?

Remember, whenever you make any changes in your profile, your network will be informed. We are sure you don’t want this. Don’t worry. We are here to help you in updating your LinkedIn profile without notifying your contacts.

In this article, we have included some of the best and practical methods to keep your profile up-to-date while maintaining your privacy.

Steps To Update Your Linkedin Profile Without Notifying Contacts

Updating your LinkedIn profile sends notifications to your entire connections list. Here are some ways to update your profile secretly without annoying your network.

  • Update On Mobile App

    Everyone has the LinkedIn App in their mobile phones for quick and easy use. You can follow the following steps to make changes in your profile on mobile app;

    1. Open the LinkedIn App in your mobile phone
    2. Open the LinkedIn account you want to make changes on
    3. Go to your profile icon given at the top left corner
    4. Click on the setting option in the list
    5. Once the setting menu is opened, click on the visibility option
    6. Scroll down and click on your visibility of your LinkedIn activity
    7. Find the “Share profile updates with your network” option and click on it.
    8. Here you will find a toggle switch button. Turn that off

    Its that simple. Doing all these steps will not disclose updates to your contacts.

  • Update On Desktop

    Changing LinkedIn profile settings on Desktop is also an easy process. Follow the below steps;

    1. Open the LinkedIn site through any browser
    2. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
    3. Click on the Me icon below the profile picture on the top left corner
    4. Click on settings & privacy button.
    5. Once the menu is opened, click on the visibility button
    6. Find the “Share profile updates with your network” option under “visibility of your LinkedIn activity” and click on it.
    7. Turn off the toggle switch button of “Share key profile updates

Following all these easy steps will keep your updates hidden. However, if you don't hide every update from your network. We suggest you single options to update and protect it from disclosure.

For example, if you want to update the experience section, simply add the latest work history, and turn off the “notify network” button before saving it. This way you can update the required section without sending any notification.

Why Should You Update Your Linkedin Profile Secretly?

Before proceeding further, we find it important to highlight why it is necessary to update and optimize your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your online resume that is be seen by recruiters, potential employers, and even colleagues. A well-crafted and updated profile can help you stand out from other professionals. It increases your chances of landing new jobs and of hundreds of other opportunities for you.

Here comes a turning point that is why you should do this important process secretly. Given below are some of the major reasons for this;

  • Too many notifications may annoy your network. This way people will not take you update seriously anymore. It is suggested to update your profile outside of normal business hours when your network is less likely to be active on LinkedIn.
  • Sometimes, you do not want all individuals to know about your every detail. Notifying about every minor to major detail may compromise your privacy.
  • Changing your details, including, headlines, LinkedIn summary, and experience, again and again, presents you desperate for jobs and other opportunities. To avoid this, Make small changes to your profile over time instead of updating everything at once.
  • Lots of updates about changes in your profile shows a very unprofessional behavior. This is not considered to be a thoughtful and strategic approach.

All these reasons highlight the importance of updating your LinkedIn profile without sending any notification to your circle.


Will My Connections Be Notified If I Change My Profile Picture On LinkedIn?

No, changing your profile picture will not send notifications to your network. In the past, LinkedIn used to send notification for picture change as well but this is not like so nowadays. To be on the safer side, turn off the notification option before changing your profile picture.

Can I Update My LinkedIn Profile Without Notifying My Boss Or Colleagues?

Yes, you can update your profile seamlessly without sending the notification to your boss or colleague, if they are in your connection list. Turn off your “LinkedIn activity visibility feature” and update your profile without worrying about notifications

How Often Should I Update My LinkedIn Profile?

It is suggested to update your LinkedIn profile regularly to reflect your latest accomplishments and experience. An old resume makes a negative impact on the employer. Don’t forget tto update your profile at least once a quarter.

Updating your LinkedIn profile is an essential task for any job seeker or professional looking to find a job, build their personal brand and increase their career opportunities. You should be focusing on your profile improvement regularly. If your find it difficult or have no time to optimize your profile, contact our experts at ResumeWritingWorld. They create an optimized and engaging LinkedIn profile for you. Simply give your details, get a strong profile created by our professionals, and maximize your chances of hiring.


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