Tips for Acing an Online Job Interview

Online interviews are getting more popular day by day in every sector. Most companies adopted online work methodologies. Traditional one-to-one interviews are shifted to virtual interviews. Learning tips for acing an online job interview will increase your chances of success.

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Students usually are pretty confused about it. Do not worry. We have consulted multiple successful candidates and hiring managers for some helpful ways for an impressive online interview. Below is a list of some top tips that will help you score high in your interview.

Let’s not waste the time and dig into them;

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Top Tips for How to Ace Your Online Video Job Interview

Online interviews are slightly different from traditional face-to-face interviews which makes students worried. Acing an online interview is not a problem anymore with on-time preparation and the right tips and techniques. You need to pay attention to many factors that need to be checked a day before the interview and some important factors that must be considered while giving an interview. Let’s have a look at these tips:

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  • 1. Test the technology

    Getting your devices checked and ready is the first and essential tip.Examine your devices and internet connection. Ask the interviewer which software he uses. Usually it is through zoom o skype by using a webcam. Investigate that and make yourself comfortable with it. Make a test call with your family or friends. Check that your headphones and speakers are in working condition or not, as well as that your internet connection can handle high-definition live video. We suggest using headphones or earbuds to avoid distractions and stay focused. Also, double-check your computer screen name and consider using a professional name so that the interviewer would be able to identify you easily.

  • 2. Practice, practice, practice

    As you all are familiar with the popular quote “Practice makes a man perfect”. This highlights the importance of practicing a demo call. Ask your friend to take a practice call as well as a question session over a video call. Practice the answers to common questions in every interview. Pay attention to what you're speaking. It must be slow and clear. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll be in online job interviews.

  • 3. Select your location

    Location matters a lot! Make sure to choose a quiet place with no distractions and low background noise. Your professional backdrop interprets your serious attitude toward the job as well as the interviewer. An unmade, dirty, or cluttered background will show you as very unprofessional. It is preferred to use a blank wall as a background. If this is not possible, use a well-maintained, neat, and clean background.

    Always use good lighting, preferably natural. If natural light is not possible then use two soft light sources that must be to your left and right. Do not use too much light on your back. It may blur your picture or even cast a shadow.

  • 4. Gather your materials

    Is any kind of material required for an online interview? Yes, place a notebook and pen within easy reach of your computer. Keep your documents near you. You can also make a list of questions or discussion points that you intend to put up during the interview. These all techniques are beneficial. Just make sure they don't take your time away from the interview too much.

  • 5. Prepare your questions

    As it is required to prepare yourself for the interview, it is also recommended to research the company thoroughly. Note down a few important points to be discussed. It is preferred to ask one or two questions from an employer as well. Any question which you think will inspire your interviewer must be added for the ideal candidate.

  • 6. Dress professional

    Why dress up during an online interview? it was not a meeting interview, why do still I have to dress up formally? These are the most common question of every student. There is no science to its answer i.e., “First impression is the last impression”. It increases your confidence level while answering your recruiter. Dress up professionally, and wear something neat and clean. Dress in neutral colors. They look more formal and professional. Avoid too bold and loud colors. Look at the company website and social media accounts to get an idea of their dress culture.

  • 7. Make eye contact

    Is making eye contact during an interview increases your confidence? Yes, it is. It is the most complicated task to maintain eye contact in an online interview. When you answer the questions, instead of looking at the interviewer's or your face, aim your eyes straight toward the camera. It is necessary to look at the interviewer because it highlights your level of confidence and shows your attention to the job.

  • 8. Consider your body language

    Body language matters a lot during your online interview similar to its importance in traditional interviews. Examining your body language through a web camera is such a difficult task, so you must have an idea of how to act non-verbally. Your best postures and gestures make a positive image for an employer. When he asks a question during an interview, Smile and speaks clearly. Sit up straight, with your chin up and legs still to show your professional behavior.

  • 9. Relax

    Showing your nervous behavior during an interview makes a bad impression on the interviewer. Before the call for your interview relax and behave normally. Take a deep breath, and stay calm throughout the session. Your confidence makes you stand up and be selected as an ideal candidate for the company. Moreover, the best solution to stay confident and relaxed during the interview is to take practice calls with your family regularly.

  • 10. Have a backup plan

    Trusting a technology blindly can be your biggest mistake. Keep your other device ready for any mishap. Always keep a backup plan with you otherwise it may affect your interview. Network problems can be solved by calling again whereas for uncertain technical or functional issues, immediately opt for another device.

  • 11. Follow up after

    Appreciation is something your hiring manager is looking for, You must send a thank-you message to your interviewer at the end of the interview. Your thank you letter may be through email or a handmade card. You can ask for their opinion on your interview after a day or two. If you are not selected, ask them politely to mention your mistakes and try to improve them for upcoming interviews.

    These were some of the proven tips that have helped several candidates ace their interviews. Apply these tips, stay confident, and have to believe in yourself. Your success is no more away from you.

Happy Learning!


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