How To Prepare For A Panel Interview - Resumewritingworld

You must have started sweating when you heard about a panel interview or you may even remain confident. In both cases, the question that comes in the mind is how to prepare for a panel interview.

This Image is About How to prepare for a panel interview

There is no doubt that panel interview is goosebumps giving activity. It requires special care and preparation compared to an ordinary one man interview. To win a panel interview with confidence, you can avail our cheap resume writing service. They can guide you according to your credentials.

Before moving to the details, you must be aware of the format and importance of a panel interview.

What Is A Panel Interview?

A panel interview is commonly used interview format in most of the industries. Two or more people question you as a team instead of a single interviewer. These members are of the trusted and decision-making designations.

A panel interview involves personalities like, employer, HR specialist, project manager, team lead, and other recruiters.

Also Read: Tips For Acing An Online Job Interview

Why Are Panel Interviews Conducted?

Most of the sectors, like health care, higher education, government, and corporate world prefer to conduct panel interviews. Such format is usually followed for a senior level post to ensure all the abilities, and requirements of a designation.

Panel interviews are preferred due to following reasons:

  • Analyze the stress management abilities of a candidate in avery tough situation.
  • It gives a very real and practical view of a candidate.
  • Panel interviews avoid all kinds of misunderstanding and misrepresentation of a candidate on multiple employers. They won’t be relying on other’s remarks about you.

According to the employees, panel interviews also have some advantages like,

  • They do not have to do interviews and meetings with different pesons in the company, which saves their time.
  • Candidate can analyze the company culture by observing the members’ interaction with each other.
  • It gives you a strong feeling of confidence and prepares you for the complex future siatuations.

Remember, panel interviews are not always planned to give a candidate a complex, unbearable time. It is usually scheduled to analyze an employee in one go and save time.

Whatever the reason for the panel interview is, you must have to prepare very well to impress the team. Most of the students are worried about their preparation and they usually ask,

1. How To Prepare For A Panel Interview?

While preparing for a panel interview, you need to pay attention to the commonly asked interview questions,pay special attention to the interview, and should follow the effective and helpful interview tips. Let’s have a look at some of the practical preparatory steps;

1. Research About The Interview Team

To appear confident in the interview, knowing about the panel members is an effective technique. Ask the HR manager, or someone who scheduled your interview, a few questions about the team like,

  • What are the names of the panel members?
  • What are their title or job designations?

When you get this basic information, visit the company website. Analyze its official section and study the profile of your interviewers. You can also chec these information on LinkdIn. This will help you know their status and prepare accordingly.

Study the reviews and past experiences of the employees. Form this, You will have a great idea from about the company’s culture.

Knowing about the company and bit about the interviewers will keep you confident and relaxed in the meeting.

2. Bring Multiple Copies Of Resume With You

The first step in the panel interview preparation is having multiple copies of resume with you while going for a meeting. This will let them know about your background in a quick go.

No doubt, everyone will have an prior idea about you. But preparing yourself for introducing them will be a plus point. Keeing multiple resumes will benefit you in case someone joins the meeting in urgency. This will highlight your professionalism.

3. Engage All The Interviewers In The Room

While answering questions in interview, a candidate must engage with all the members. Maintain a strong but natural eye contact with the whole panel, focusing on the member who has asked the question.

Besides eye contact, also focus on your body language. Maintain a good posture by keeping your back and head straight facing the interviewers. Ensure that you are not giving a fake statue vibes.

Pay equal attention to every one in the panel regards sof their profile, experience level or designation. You never know who has the most decision making power. Neglecting anyone may negatively impact your interview.

4. Make A Strong Connection With Them

It is so necessary to keep your conversation on-point and connected with the interviewers. Find a topic of common interest that will make your discussion relatable and interesting.

Continue the conversation from where the interviewer has left. Don’t answer it in the opposite direction. Unnecessary details may offend the panel. Don’t let your conversation being meaningless and bland.

Move and node your head beautifully to let the employers know that you are thoughtfully and actively involved in the conversation.

5. Ask A Question From The Team Members

Once you are done with answering all the questions from employers. It is always suggested to ask a few questions from any one of them. But keep in mnd, you are starting the negotiation of salary on our own.

Make sure, it is you, who is giving an interview, not them. Therefore, limit your questions to 3-4 in number. These questions will indicate that you are interestingly involved in the job.

6. Ask About The Focal Person Before Leaving

It would be good if any member of the team tells you to contact him for the further updates. No must be tinking, what to do?, if this does not happen.

Do not feel confused. Ask them politely, whom should I contact further. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time contacting irrelevant persons. Know the email of the focal person and email them professionally.

7. Greet & Thank Each One Of Them When Leaving

Once you are informed that your interview is done. End it with an impressive “Thank you” note. Look at their eyes, smile, and greet everyone of them.

No doubt, greeting them won’t increase your chances of hiring but they will add a positive impression to your interview score.

Following these tips will instill confidence in you. It wil prepare you to ace the panel interview without feeling anxious. This will lead you to the successful hiring. However, if you are still worried, don’t panic. Our experts are there to help you out in every difficult situation and provide you best interview coaching. They will provide you the customized answers to the commonly asked questions and guide you according to your credentials.


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